Guess there is no contest that testing needs to happen. Which is easier said than done: unit tests don’t cover the complexity of interplay between components - while acceptance tests are flaky. Still: the user needs to see sth so we need higher-level acceptance (and integration) tests. Not knowing when loading is complete is a major problem - and this proposes another (still rough) idea on how to deal with that.

The core of the idea is to override window.fetch only during testing. As fetch returns a promise, we have to replace the return with our promise so we know when the result is there. Same goes for methods like res.json() - which again we have to wrap. Finally, let’s jump to the end of the queue one more time (via setTimeout) - so that any promise handler likely fired before we assume all is finished.

You can find the complete implementation on github. You can start checking from this part:

// a lot more detail
window.__hasNoOngoingFetch = function() {
    return __openFetchPromises === 0;
// a lot more detail
window.fetch = __instrumentPromise(window, window.fetch, 'fetch');

It’s still alpha and only for testing anyway - but checking this in playwright yields a pretty great reasult already:

// initializing interaction
  await page.waitForFunction(() => (window as any).__hasNoOngoingFetch()); // so much better
// we can be sure we're done

You find the complete example on github as well.

Again: this is very much still alpha - but I wanted to share the idea regardless; let’s see how this shakes out…

Hope you find it useful & let me know what you think!