Visual Customer Journey from nothing but simple text in markdown
The following is a Customer Journey, written in the quickest possible way with nothing but text. It’s the quickest way I can think of right now to get a visual Customer Journey in place and ensure everyone’s on the same page. From text, my script renders a visual representation - and you can use embed the script into your work or your blog as well. Here’s how…
Take this visual journey:
See Insta ad
Get to landing
Register for preview (e-mail / fakedoor)
It’s generated from the following codeblock in markdown:
See Insta ad
Get to landing
Register for preview (e-mail / fakedoor)
To get it to work, add my script as a new paragraph somewhere inside your markdown:
<script src="" integrity="sha256-D3HE7MCcr+8t3sfyX6fjWfA7IWWGs7rP9OcY+UwNmQs=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha256-HS161UTL65qQ6bfBULdFvROSbEE9w8uTvXvVJbTvvAk=" crossorigin="anonymous" />
And that’s it!
The selector supports both pandoc’s rendering (pre.journey
as well as github page’s rendering .language-journey
) of the code block.
You find the source code (MIT licensed) in this github repo
Many thanks to Jacob Okamoto who had this idea first - just for D3 and graphviz instead of some specific CSS+SVG. You can read about it in his blog here: howto => GraphViz in Markdown
That’s it. Hope you find this useful - as ever: let me know what you think!